Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Paleo Question

           In a world of Big Macs and french fries, its really no wonder that we, the human race, are getting sicker over time. Our live span is undoubtedly increasing but gradually, our quality of life is degrading. With the 2.3 trillion dollars being spent on health care in America alone, one would think that we would at least be able to maintain our current level of health if not promote it. The facts say otherwise. In fact as of 2000 our obesity rates hit 30% and many statistics experts believe this number may be even higher due to both, people inaccurately measuring their height and the embarrassment people face when confronting this topic. With all the fat free cheese's and the diet sodas, it seems almost paradoxical. Right? It was these questions that lead me to discover a philosophy that honestly changed the way I viewed nutrition as a whole. Eat like a Hunter-Gatherer. That is where we will begin.
           Hunter-Gatherers get a bad rap. When people picture them, they usually either picture Fred Flintstone or the Geico Cavemen. They often forget about the Aboriginal Australians, the Masai People, and various other modern Hunter Gatherers. In reality however, these are some of the fittest people on the planet. They are incredibly strong yet remain slender enough to sprint after their game. They are virtually free from civilized diseases, enjoy a life of plentiful sleep, and maintain a  low level of stress.
            I'm sure you're all wondering how you can tap into these benefits so I've compiled a list of the best authors on the subject:
            Mark Sisson - Sisson is personally my premier choice on the topic. He hosts the Primal Blueprint where he posts new and exciting things on his site everyday and writes with vigor and energy on primal living.

            Loren Cordain - He is renowned as the chief expert on the Paleo Diet. He runs The Paleo Diet website which lays a firm background on the subject and provides the scientific background for the philosophy as a whole.
            Robb Wolf - Former Movnat instructor, Robb Wolf further backs up the nutrition philosophy and provides new information to the mix. His clients have great success and he provides further explanation on youtube.

            Given the continuing evolution and complexity of this topic I will do many posts concerning this topic in the future. Please feel free to comment or ask questions.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Have you been lied to?

How man times have you hear phrases like these:

 "Did you just skip a meal, again because I can hear somebodies metabolism crashing."

 " Wow, that's really heavy weight (wo)man your going to get all bulky like those bodybuilders."

 " Are you eating meat? You know that gives you cancer, that's why I stick to my bread and pasta."

That unfortunately barely scrapes the surface of all the myths and traps that the health industry throws at us on a regular basis. With all of these lies being thrown around by  Johnny Jock and other infamous broscientists, its no wonder we find it hard to stick to a steady health plan before falling back to our old ways. My purpose here is to shed light on the lies and broscience that  incessantly fills the fitness world. With just a few new perspectives on training, nutrition, and health, you can effortlessly flip your health around and become faster, stronger, and livelier than you've ever been before. You can essentially hack your way to fitness.